Dark Testing - Affordable, Fast and Efficient Testing

Dark Testing is the scientific process of launching risk-identifying test strategies from idea to implementation cost-effectively and controllably for mission-critical software products.

Graphic illustration of a laptop
Icon of a rocket

1. Launch Experiments

Launch new programs and tools into your workflow

Icon of a tracker

2. Measure and Evaluate

Evaluate how well the programs are working

Icon of a two arrows symbolizing repeatability

3. Repeatability

Consistent positive signals over time confirm how valuable the program is

Icon of a chart pointing to the top right symbolizing a growth/scale

4. Scale

Support the proven program with additional reinforcements

Icon of a balance scale

5. Merge, Monitor & Optimize

Thoroughly merge, monitor and optimize the complete test strategy

Here are a Few Common Testing and Product Quality Challenges We Solve

  • Customers (especially the most significant) are thinking about leaving.
  • Firefighting and patching critical problems (regression patterns) have risen over the past few months.
  • Shift-Left, CD, Agile/agile or Testing In Production (TIP) mandates have left testing gaps we don't know how to resolve.
  • No clear understanding of how to prioritize test strategies.
  • No attempt to understand what is working and what isn't.
  • Lack of visibility, evaluation and evidence into the quality of testing effort.
  • Coverage being inadequate is hurting product activity and use, but testing costs must be affordable.
  • Automation and testing tools do not meet the advertised standards or expectations we are after.
  • Testing is a bottleneck and slows us down.

Why Dark Testing Matters Now

Complex system interactions such as real-time inventories, calendaring, IoT devices and data synchronizations must work 24/7

Mission-critical products in agriculture, space, finance, travel, emergency response and health have significant risk

Customer retention is more important than ever

Referrals in dark social have grown

Testing products in B2B SaaS are more complex and sophisticated, requiring testing professionals with a variety of technical, observational and critical thinking skills

CD, TIP, Agile/agile and other software development practices require robust testing strategies

What does a successful Dark Testing strategy look like?

A successful Dark Testing strategy reveals the best testing strategy coverage mix for your software product by optimizing for maximum speed, the least cost, and the smallest team size. 

The Result?

A robust, comprehensive testing solution that achieves the highest possible ROI.

Let's launch your dark testing strategy today!

Book a Strategy Call